Wednesday, September 8, 2010

No Money Mo Problems

So I have a slight addiction to shopping...and by slight, I mean shopping is my crack. Seriously. BUT in my defense, being addicted to shopping is much less harmful than being addicted to crack, it's better for the environment, and slightly cheaper. I mean, people spend like thousands of dollars a year on cocaine right? (I know it may come as a shock, but I actually really don't know too much about the world of hard drugs). And there are those people who spend like hundreds of dollars per month on cigarettes or booze. So really, since I don't smoke or drink (too much) or do drugs, I think it's only fair that I buy alot...ALOT...of other, not-quite-as-addictive stuff. Unfortunately, I don't have a real job and my bank account is almost empty, so I have come to the decision that I must cut back on my spending habits. Like, seriously. And it is paining me to write this, but I figure if I write this in a public space, I have to stick to it:
So yeah, that's the plan. The horrible, terrible, physically PAIN INDUCING plan. How long is this shopping ban going to last? Until *sob* May 2011.
But but but there are a few exceptions. A complete shopping ban that lasts for 9 whole months is both cruel and unusual and downright unconstitutional I say! So I am allowing myself a few opportunities to shop.
Opportunity #1: If I get a 170 or above on the LSAT, I can buy myself these Minnetonka moccasin boots that I have been eyeing for quite some time:
Photo from

I first saw a version of them at J Crew, but the J Crew version, which is pretty much the same as the original, is $88.00, while at DSW, the babies pictured above are $50. So now I have a pretty big incentive to study really hard for my LSAT (because of course, the prospect of getting into a really good law school wasn't enough of an incentive to get my ass into gear)

Opportunity #2: If I get all 14 of my law school applications in before Thanksgiving, I can get one thing from Anthropologie or J Crew. Right now, I'm kinda digging the Plaid Boyfriend Cardigan from J Crew
And the Double-Serge Pencil Skirt in Bronzed Ochre: Annnnnnd I pretty much like everything Anthro has.

So yeah, this is the plan and I am sticking to it!! (hopefully...probably...possibly...) Now I gotta go study for those LSATs!!