Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hello, again

Wow, so I haven't posted in awhile...things have just gotten really busy and I haven't felt like writing anything (not that anyone really reads this thing, but whatever). I finally decided on a law school that I'm really excited about. It's in a big city, which will be completely new, but I think that will be good for me. Also, I'm pretty much completely unemployed. And I've given up trying to be frugal. Those two things don't really go very well together.

But one (kinda) frugal thing I've done lately is buy coupons from a site called Living Social (well, I just bought one). I got a deal for two movie tickets for $9, which is absolute madness in our world of $12 tickets and $10 buckets of popcorn. Click here if you want to take advantage of this offer as well. I think I'll use my tix to watch X-Men First Class. I hear it's pretty good and I love the X-Men movies (mostly because of Hugh Jackman...and I know he won't be in it, but I also love James McEvoy, so it's all good).

Anyway, it's too hot now to do anything but lie down on my couch and watch episode after episode of Sex and the City while eating ice cream (well, yogurt and fruit in my case...I'm on a diet...blech...more on that later) so I'll stop writing for now. I was going to try to turn this blog into a law student fashion blog type thingy..especially as I've gotten a bunch of new clothes from J. Crew...but I got them on sale and they're mostly winter things and I'm afraid if I put them on to take pictures to put on here, I'll melt. Or spontaneously combust. Or worse, sweat all over my beautiful new double-serge wool pencil skirt in bronzed ochre (horrified gasp). So that I will save for another, cooler day.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year!

It's a new year, which means crash diets, frantic sessions at the gym, and eventual complacency and giving up of goals. It's funny how much people depend on the new year to get into shape/be more confident/be nicer/start saving more money etc and continue to set ambitious goals for themselves year after year even after many failed attempts to change (or maybe they're successful, which is really great and makes them alot stronger than me).

I've set many resolutions in the past, from eating healthier to exercising more to being nicer to my parents to taking self defense lessons....and i don't think i've kept a single one of them. But, because i am a slightly delusional, unreasonably optimistic creature of habit, here is my list of ways to improve myself in 2011 (it's an extremely abridged version...i am so incredibly flawed there are an infinite number of ways i could better myself):

1) Eat healthier. This one always makes it on my list. I hate dieting. I think it's completely unreasonable and unhealthy. In my opinion (because i am an expert on diet and nutrition obviously and everyone should listen to me), it's more realistic to just eat more fruits and veggies and eat less processed foods. I know, much much much easier said than done. For me, the trick is to have a bunch of healthy snacks around that i can munch on because i know that when i get to a certain stage of hunger, all bets are off. I will eat babies if i have to. I just lose all control. My faves are dried cherries, almonds, olives, and carrots with hummus. I'm much too lazy to count calories and fat grams and whatever so I just try to eat fresh foods with not too many ingredients.

2) Get in shape. I am an extremely lazy person. BUT i've found that if i don't work out for a prolonged period of time, i become an uber bitch. Seriously. I NEED endorphins to be a fully functioning human being with the ability to not be an asshat. Unfortunately, i'm too cheap to join a gym (4 years of free gym membership to my university's gym really spoiled me) and it's much too cold to run outside SO i think i'm going to try out P90x, which i hear is a really good way to get in shape. I also hear that it's super intense and people actually throw up when they do it for the first time, but i really want to try it. Unfortunately, it's a bit pricey and requires some extra equipment (a chin up bar, weights/resistance bands, a yoga mat) but i've decided that i am too weak and fat so this is a necessary evil.

3) Bake a super fancy cake. I offered to make a wedding cake for my sister and she foolishly agreed to let me. One little problem: i've never actually made a wedding cake. Unfortunately, she's already told all of her friends that i will do this. And they expressed doubt and disbelief. Which means i CANNOT back out of this because if i do, i will not be able to prove all of the naysayers wrong. So i must make the most beautiful, breathtaking cake in the history of all weddings...or at least one that tastes good and doesn't look like crap. Right now I'm aiming for something like this

(Image from

4) Be more money savvy. I'm going to start law school in the fall, so i need to be smart about saving money to pay for tuition, books, apartments, FOOD, etc. Money matters really stress me out (maybe because i don't have any) but i need to stop being such an avoider and start looking into savings accounts, investing, etc. to maximize my finances. This probably also means i need to stop obsessively browsing the J Crew website the second i wake up each morning.

And i think that's about all my simple little brain can handle. Good luck with all of your resolutions and i will keep you updated with how mine are going (if i don't say anything about them, it probably means that i failed and am too ashamed to admit it)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy Belated Christmas, One and All!

I think this was one of the best Christmases I've had in awhile. And I think this is because there seemed to be less focus on the gifts, which I know sounds stupid and cliche, but it's true. This year money has been a bit tight in our family, since my sister went back to school and I...well, I've actually always been dirt poor. Being a shopaholic/online shopping addict/compulsively lazy bum will do that to you. There were fewer gifts under the tree, which left us with more time to spend with one another eating waffles and actually talking to one another.

And I feel like even though we each didn't get that much stuff, each of the items had more thought behind it which infused it with extra special-ness. Kinda like these picture frame ornaments i made for each of my family members way back when I had zero money and an unhealthy affection for crafts and DIY projects (I think I was like 5...and unfortunately, nothing has changed. I still have no cash and a strange fascination with art projects). I made these really wonky little paper frames that looked like trash but took me hours to make. Nobody in their right minds would have been excited to get these frames, but my parents oohed and ahhed over them because they came from me, their daughter.

And as I've gotten older, I've come to value more my family and friends and the experiences we share. Life is short, like scary short, and I really want to live a life of no, or at least very few, regrets. I don't think I will ever regret having spent too much time with my family, or having been too nice to my parents, or having had too much fun with my sister, so it was really great having a chance to spend some quality time with the people I love the most.

Now enough sentimentality and back to the materialistic me. Instead of getting myself the Minnetonka moccasin boots (which I still love, btw) for doing well on the LSAT, I bought some Laura Mercier makeup instead because I needed some new foundation. This is really unfortunate because now I'm hooked. And it's really expensive. I got their powder foundation, which offers really nice light coverage when you apply it dry and crazy full coverage when you apply it wet. Unfortunately, the shade I got is a teensy tiny bit too light for my skin tone (the next shade up was a tad too dark), so if I apply the foundation wet I end up looking like Edward Cullen's not-that-good-looking, considerably-less-invincible cousin. Which is not a bad look, it's just not me. Plus, I'm more of a Team Jacob girl myself, but really can you blame me?

Myspace Graphics

Ahem, anyway, instead of getting myself a full priced item from J. Crew or Anthropologie for getting in all of my applications early, I decided to let myself spend $10 for every application I sent in before Nov 15 and $10 for every acceptance I got. And then I went crazy at J. Crew!! (Extra 30% off sale items? Hells yeah!) I think the purchase I am most over the moon about is the Holland Cardigan

I've been wearing it with pretty much everything and it's super duper warm and the best part? It's on sale for $34.99 (in the gray...I got it in muslin, which is $10 more expensive). I know it seems a bit plain, but it goes with seriously everything and I need more practical and wearable pieces like it. Normally I'm all into glitter and sequins and rainbows and whatever, but I've realized lately that I can't wear half of the things in my closet on a regular basis. Like, I was so excited about getting the J Crew sequined shawl collar cardigan last winter (the beauty pictured below)but I've worn it once since I got it (and that one time was to show it off to my roommates in the comfort of our dinky little apartment)...and then moths ate a hole in it and I was horribly upset/in mourning for two days.

So now I'm in a practical piece buying phase. And since I'm going to be a lawyer someday, I should probably start buying things that will allow me to dress the part. But this newfound practicality/rationality does not stop me from coveting this gorgeous Kate Spade skirt

Seriously, how cute is that? Very Emma Pillsbury...and kinda Elle Woods-ish too (if it were in pink) which totally makes it lawyer-y! Unfortunately, I cannot purchase it unless I get into about 28 more law schools...damn.

Friday, November 5, 2010


That is me crying because I do not want to do any more law school applications. I have been working on them all week and I just want them to be GONE. I've sent in 11 so far and I still have about 4 or 5 more to do. This may seem a little excessive, but I am really worried that I will not get into any law school. My GPA is pretty good and I got a good enough LSAT score to buy those Minnetonka moccasin boots, but still....blah I don't know. If I get into just 2 of the 16 schools I apply to I will be very happy.
Sometimes I wish I were a wizard (okay, I wish this all the time). Seriously, Harry Potter and his wizard buddies never had to apply to anything. Hogwarts came to them via owl. And wizard jobs seem so much cooler than Muggle jobs. Would you rather be an accountant or fight dark wizards in a battle between good and evil? Hmmmm.....tough choice.
Sometimes (okay all the time) I think there's still a chance that I am a wizard and that my Hogwarts acceptance letter is floating around out there. The owls got lost somewhere in suburbia, confused by all of the identical looking houses and similar sounding street names (now is it 703 James St or 730 James Lane? Do I turn right onto Harley Ave or Marley Ave? Is it this 2 story brick house with the white picket fence, two car garage, and Toyota parked in the driveway or that 2 story brick house with the ecru picket fence, two car garage, and Toyota parked in the driveway? Damnit, I give up! I need a butterbeer!)
Any day now, Hagrid will turn up at my front door and say,"You're a wizard," and I'll be all, "What is all this rubbish you nutter?" And he'll be like, "Did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain when you were angry or scared?" And I'll say...well, I'll have to say no, now won't I? Yes things have broken around me when I was angry, but that was because I threw them against the wall, not because I emitted some crazy wizard force field thing that knocked things over. So yeah....I guess I can't give up on law school apps just yet. BUT apparently this is what the interior of the U Michigan Law School library looks like
It's practically Hogwarts! Maybe this is where I belong! Now if only I didn't have to do an application for this school...and if they sent out acceptance letters via owl post...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ruelala Invite

So I'm kinda addicted to discounts....which is good since I'm dirt poor. I've joined a gazillion designer discount website thingies where they have sales on certain designer brands each day. One of my faves is Ruelala...I feel like their sale brands are always really good (they've had Kate Spade, Judith Leiber, Leifsdottir, Stuart Weitzman, and a bunch more awesome brands) and the discounts are pretty amazing. If you join before October 25 by clicking on the link below, you'll receive a $20 credit for the website. Happy shopping and let me know what you buy!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Baby, I'm a Star!

Well, sort of. Because STEVE SCHWARTZ mentioned me on his blog today. Ahhh! I know most people are going, "Huh, who's Steve Schwartz?" right now, but anyone who's taken the LSAT recently knows what's up. Steve writes an awesome blog about the LSAT (just google "LSAT study schedule" and his blog will be the first thing to pop up...that's how I always find it). He gives such good advice and his posts were super helpful. And slightly brainwash-y. At one point, I was willing to do pretty much whatever Steve told me to do. Like, he could have been like, "Hey, you should rub cow manure all over your face, it won't help one bit with the LSAT, but I still think you should do it," and I totally would have dunked my face in cow poo. My whole body even. So thanks for the shout out, Steve, and for not abusing your power.

On a slightly related note, I am still obsessing over the LSAT. I've been anxious all week and I'm pretty sure I'm going to suffer a minor heart attack if I don't stop thinking about this damn test! So I've decided to start knitting. I started reading The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs and it inspired me to take up the craft. I've knitted like two scarves my entire life, but I dug up this old knitting book and I'm determined to become an expert knitter. When I told my friend this, she suggested that I start wearing only items of clothing I knit...Like, I should start wearing hand-knitted jeans, knitted sweaters, knitted underwear, etc. And I'm totally on board. My first outfit? This awesome vest, to get me in the Christmas mood:


These super cool shorts: from

Some elegant heels:

And of course, the one thing a girl can't leave the house without: her Snuggie. Ha! Creepy man not included.

Really, I just want to knit myself some mittens. But unfortunately, I suck at knitting. I think I'm going to have to start watching some youtube videos on knitting because this Learn to Knit in 30 Minutes book hasn't taught me anything. In fact, thus far, my knitting endeavor has made me feel like even more of a failure than taking the LSAT! But on the bright side, in my quest to discover strange yet awesome knitted wardrobe items, I found this website, where you can fork over $185.50 to become the proud owner of this beauty:

I think I'd rather have the Snuggie.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blah blah blah

So I just took the LSAT yesterday and now I'm going nuts wondering about my score. I honestly feel like I could have gotten anywhere from a 140 to a 170 (hopefully it's the latter). I won't get my score for another three weeks, so I have to wait what feels like FOREVER to see if I can buy my moccasin boots!!! Oh and if I'll get into any good law schools. So now I just need to think up things to distract me for three weeks because now, every time I think about the LSAT (which is all the time), I want to throw up. And I don't really want to do that. Here are some distractions I've come up with so far:

1) Watch Meerkat Manor until I can't see straight. My friend and I accidentally got hooked on this show last month when we semi-jokingly rented it from our school's library. But seriously, this show about adorable little critters? IS MY CRACK. Honestly, I am hooked. It's like a soap opera, but with much better looking characters. And it's quite educational too. I've learned that meerkats have an alpha female that generally doesn't allow any other female to have babies; that meerkats are very territorial; and that meerkat babies are cuter than human babies. Seriously, this I can do without: From

But I NEED to get me one of these:

Or I guess I could just have the best of both worlds and find one of these:

2) Workout (Ha like this will actually happen)
3) Can't think of anything else. Too busy looking at pictures of MEERKATS.